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Keep Your Feedback Inbox Clean with Edit & Delete Feedback

Keep Your Feedback Inbox Clean with Edit & Delete Feedback

There are a number of ways to get Feedback into Roadmunk, including our popular Chrome Extension and our upcoming Feedback Portal, but what happens when it gets a bit too crowded in your team’s Feedback Inbox?

Well, luckily for you we are firm believers in the old saying that all good things come in pairs! To help prevent some of the headache that comes with managing a large number of submissions in your Feedback Inbox, we’re excited to announce that you can now Edit & Delete Feedback in Roadmunk!

To make these changes to submitted Feedback in your Inbox, here's what to do:

  • To Edit Feedback, navigate to the feedback you're looking to edit and select the ellipsis menu in the top-right corner of the feedback. In the dropdown, select the "Edit Feedback" option.
  • Selecting this option will take you to an edit screen which allows you to update all details of the Feedback submission, including who it's from, which Product Area it's directed to, as well as the Title and Body Content of the Feedback submission.
  • To Delete Feedback, navigate to the feedback you're looking to remove and select the ellipsis menu in the top-right corner of the feedback. In the dropdown, select the "Delete Feedback" option.
  • Before the Feedback is deleted, you'll be presented with a confirmation modal - selecting "Delete Feedback" on this modal will instantly delete the Feedback submission and this action cannot be undone, so please make sure you are

These two features are a great next step for Feedback Management in Roadmunk and will allow your team to ensure that all submissions are accurate and reflect the proper details needed to not only provide context within your Prioritized Ideas & Roadmaps, but also to ensure that you can easily circle back to the correct Customers on your end with little-to-no friction.

To learn more about this release, check out our Knowledge Base, then try it out for yourself in your Feedback Inbox.