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Favorite Your Top Roadmaps with Our Latest Release ⭐️

Organizing and accessing your most-used roadmaps just got a lot easier, thanks to the release of favorite roadmaps!

Now you can favorite certain roadmaps for easy access. This feature makes it easier to manage your account so you can quickly find, review, and update your favorite ones without scrolling through multiple roadmaps.

Not only does this feature help you declutter your roadmapping homepage—allowing for fast access to the roadmaps you use most—but it’s also particularly useful if you’re an Account Admin or someone who works with several different roadmaps.

Starting today, you’ll notice a dedicated “Favorite Roadmaps” list in the left-hand sidebar that will automatically populate when the star icon is selected next to any roadmap.

Favoriting and unfavoriting roadmaps is easy to do from right within that list, or within individual roadmaps themselves. Plus, favoriting multiple roadmaps at a time is a cinch with our new multi-select option.

Check out our Knowledge Base for more details on what’s in store for your roadmaps now that you can favorite them, as well as a list of helpful FAQs about this new feature.