One of the biggest hurdles for administrators nowadays is finding the best way to manage their users and teams. From having to manually setup access to relevant content or directories to providing users with appropriate permissions for various modules of the application, administrators can quickly become frustrated or burnt out as their teams grow into the hundreds and thousands of seats.
That's why we're excited to introduce our newest solution for simplifying roadmap sharing across your organization's account: Teams. With our new Teams feature, account admins can easily curate user groups which help them to better manage their users, provide quick access to multiple team roadmaps, and control roadmap permissions for entire teams in a single action.
Teams for All Functions of Your Business

Teams is not only one of our newest sharing features in Roadmunk - it's also one of our most flexible user management tools. To ensure that this feature could fit their business needs, users from the Early Access Program sorted their users into Teams based on department, job function, product line, and more. With a quick setup process and familiar user assignment workflow, the process of creating and setting up teams for your organization is fast, efficient, and (most importantly) stress-free.
Apply Custom Access Permissions En Masse

In an effort to simplify how roadmaps are shared, entire Teams can be assigned with Editor and Viewer permissions on any Standalone or Portfolio Roadmaps across your account. In addition to this, users who have already been given ownership or editing privileges will retain those when working in their roadmaps - meaning that you can quickly give Viewer permissions to the rest of the team without worrying about blocking another user's Editor or Owner permissions.
Simplified Bulk Sharing of Roadmaps

One of the biggest time savers unlocked by our Teams functionality is the ability to quickly and easily share multiple roadmaps with new users. Since roadmaps can now be shared with Teams, users who are assigned to those teams will receive immediate access and appropriate viewing or editing permissions for those respective roadmaps. This helps to save users from having to manually locate and share any necessary roadmaps from across the organization with new users as they're added to the account.